jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008


1. Three main characteristic of animal kingdom:
Heterotrophs: Rely on other organism for food suppy. i. e. consumer.
Eukaryotic: Made up cell with true nuclei and other organelles.
Multicellular: Composed of many cells. The cells form the tissues and the tissues organ, and the organs systems.
2. Levels of classification:
From most general to most specific.
3. Three germ layers:
-Endoderm---innermost layer---developdgestive tract and much of resiratory system.
-Mesoderm--middle layer---muscle, circulatory, reproductive, and escretory organ systems.
-Ectoderms--outermost layer--sense organs, nerves and outer layer of skin.
4. Main differences between plants and animals.
Niche: Plant are autotrophs or producer----Animals are heterotrophs or consumer.
Cell: Plant have cell with cell wall---Animals cell have no cell walls.
Both are multicellular, eukaryotic.
Plant far out number animals if you count individual.
Animals far outnumber plant if you count species and phylums (diversity).
5. Sexual and asexual reproduction:
Sexual: by producing haploid gametes------Asexual: No gametes
Meiosis and Mitosis ----------------------------Only Mitosis.
Create and maintain genetic diversity------Offsprings genetically identical to the parent
in population. ----------------------------------Allow animals to increase their numbers rapidly
Internal fertilization --------------------------Budding, fission, fragmentation and
External fertilization --------------------------regeneration.
6. Sponges and Cnidarians
Sponges life cycle: gametes---internal fertilization--motile larva--New sponge (sexual)
Cnidarians life cycle: gametes--external fertilization--motile larva-- Polyp--(asexual) Medusa.
Sponges have spiny spicules skeleton or spongin skeleton.
Cnidarians have a hydrostatic skeleton.
Both, sponges and cnidarians carry out the essential functions of respiration, circulation, and excretion by diffusion.
Both, sponges and cnidarians live in water (aquatic habitat).

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