martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


1. Key Concepts (Chapter 20 Study Guide p 522).
2. Compare and contrast. Animallike, Plantlike and Fungus like protist.
3. Three methods that protist use to obtain food.
4.Explain (definition): Amoeboid movement, flagella, cilia, conjugation, fruiting body, plasmodia, hyphae, zoosporangia.
5. Describe: Malaria, African sleeping sickness, Trichonympha, Reproduction in Green Algae (alternation of generation), Two main groups of slime molds. Reproduction (sexual and asexual) of water molds, Phytophthora infestans and the potato famine.
6. Classification of Animallike, Plantlike, and Funguslike Protist.
7. Role of Animallike, plantlike, and funguslike protist in the environment.
8. How are plantlike protist similar to plant, animal like to animals and fungus like to fungus? they differ?.

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