miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

25-3 Section Assessment, Biology 11th

1. Aquatic plant have adaptation to take in sufficient oxygen, whereas desert plants have adaptations to take in and conserve water.

2. Carnivorous plants obtain nutrients by trapping and digesting insects. Parasitic plants obtain nutrients from the tissues of other plants.

3. Some plants make compounds that are poisonous to animals or disrupt their growth and development.

4. Salt-tolerant plants are able to pump excess salt out of tissues.

5. Adaptations for getting water, such as deep root systems, and reducing water loss due to transpiration, such as spiny leaves or waxy cuticles.

6. Desert and tundra: xerophytes' adaptations (dry environments). Desert: salt tolerant plant. Tropical rain forest: epiphytes' adaptations (to get more light that the one avaible in the forest's floor).

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