martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

25-6 Section Assessment Biology 11th

  1. Gravitropism: response to gravity; phototropism: response to light; thigmotropism: response to touch.
  2. Short -day plants flower when days are short. plants flower when days are long. Long day plants bloom in the summer.
  3. Lose leaves to reduce water loss; forms scales to protect buds from cold; produce ions and organic compounds to act as an atifreeze.
  4. Auxin production drops and production of Ethylene increases; chlorophyll synthesis stops; carbhydrates adn water are transported our of leaf; abscission layer seals off vascular system; leaf falls.
  5. Experiment should involve exposing the plant to different amounts of light. Two different assays of 3 plants each of the same specie. One set of plants should be exposed to short periods of light ( 5 hrs, 6 hrs, and 7 hrs). The other set of plant should be exposed to long periods of light ( 13 hrs, 14 hrs, and 15 hrs).

2 comentarios:

Eduardo Enrique Bonilla dijo...

Miss.Claudia ya tub aki!!! jejeje

Jocey A19 dijo...

oki doki Jocey was here!!!!!!